歷史博物館 Historical Museum-景點-阿根廷共和國 各國特色 永嘉旅行社


歷史博物館 Historical Museum



在二十世紀初,它曾在一次公開拍賣中被出售,其位於西北角的主要房間被毀去興建私人住宅。但在1936年,國會參議員卡洛斯·塞雷伊(Carlos Serrey,Esq.)的狡猾干預使其得以恢復,並被宣告為國家歷史遺址。



博物館中最珍貴的之一是《懇求者》(El suplicante),該雕像於2003年被盜。如今,只剩下一張描繪這尊石雕的圖片,該雕像來自早期前西班牙統治時期。

It is one of the most important museums in the country due to the richness of its heritage, which summarizes centuries of Argentinian and South American history. Located to one side of the 9 de Julio square, where the cabildo (municipal council) used to operate, today observes impassively the busy inhabitants of Salta going through its galleries. For such reason, when we crossed the threshold, the silence of its patios inevitably transported us to another atmosphere.


The building itself is a real architectural jewel from the colonial period, with simple lines typical of the viceroyalty. Its two stories maintain parts that date back to the year 1717, but it mostly corresponds to the great repairs done between 1789 and 1807.


In the early XX century, it had been sold in a public auction and its main room located in the northwestern angle was lost in order to build a private house. But in 1936, the cunning intervention of National Senator Dr. Carlos Serrey, Esq. allowed it to be recovered and declared National Historical


Things from Old Times

We began to go through the rooms that rescue the pre-Inca times through the days of Independence. In the former, the vestiges of native cultures are symbolized in objects of daily use which also show the ways of living and thinking of the first settlers of the area.


One of the most precious pieces of the museum is El suplicante (the beggar), which was stolen in 2003. Today, there is only a picture left with the references of this idol made of stone from the early pre-Hispanic period.
