烏蘇懷亞港癈棄的聖克里斯托弗號救援拖船 saint christopher Usihaia-景點-阿根廷共和國 各國特色 永嘉旅行社


烏蘇懷亞港癈棄的聖克里斯托弗號救援拖船 saint christopher Usihaia

HMS Justice (W-140)是一艘被歸類為救援拖船的英國皇家海軍艦艇,她在美國建造,原是美國海軍ATR-1級救援拖船USS ATR-20。她未曾被美國海軍投入使用,而是在交付時根據租借法案轉交給英國皇家海軍。在第二次世界大戰結束後歸還給美國,她被重新指定為BATR-20。在1946年被除籍並出售用於商業服務,最終擱淺在阿根廷的烏斯懷亞,並被遺棄。

HMS Justice (W-140), a Royal Navy ship classified as a rescue tug, was built in the United States as U.S. Navy ATR-1-class rescue tug USS ATR-20. Never commissioned into the U.S. Navy, she was transferred to the Royal Navy under Lend-Lease at delivery. Returned to the U.S. after the end of World War II, she was redesignated BATR-20. Struck and sold for commercial service in 1946, she was eventually grounded at Ushuaia, Argentina and abandoned.