2021 -
Argentina Border re-opening
It is with great joy that we announce today that the Argentinian Government has set a date for Re-Opening our Borders! The final regulations will be available (in writing) in a few days, but the information that the Health Minister and the Chief of Staff have given today on a press conference is the following:
- September 24th >>> Argentinians who travel for corporate reasons do not have to quarantine upon arrival.
9 月 24 日 >>> 因公司原因旅行的阿根廷人在抵達時無需隔離。
- October 1st >>> Foreigners from neighboring countries are allowed to enter Argentina without having to quarantine upon arrival.
10 月 1 日 >>> 允許來自鄰國的外國人進入阿根廷,而無需在抵達時進行隔離。
- Between October 1st and November 1st >>> There will be a progressive increase of the entry quota to the country (today there is an entry quota of 2300 passengers per day).
10月1日至11月1日期間>>> 入境配額將逐步增加(今天入境配額為每天2300人次)。
- November 1st >>> Foreigners from all the world are allowed to enter Argentina without having to quarantine upon arrival. In all cases, every person who enters Argentina (Argentinians or Foreigners) will have to comply with the following requirements:
11 月 1 日 >>> 允許來自世界各地的外國人進入阿根廷,而無需在抵達時進行隔離。在所有情況下,每個進入阿根廷的人(阿根廷人或外國人)都必須遵守以下要求:
Complete vaccination schedule, with the last application date at least 14 days prior to arrival in the country.
完整的疫苗接種計劃,最後一次申請日期至少在抵達該國前 14 天。
- Proof of Negative PCR test 72 hours prior to arrival
抵達前 72 小時的陰性 PCR 測試證明
- Compulsory (Negative) Antigen Test upon arrival at the airport
- PCR test to be taken between days 5 and 7 after the arrival to Argentina
抵達阿根廷後第 5 天至第 7 天進行 PCR 檢測
- Those who do not have a complete vaccination schedule, including minors, besides the above regulations, must quarantine for 7 days upon arrival.
- When Argentina reaches 50% of the population with a full vaccination scheme, the antigen test will no longer be performed upon arrival (except for those who are not not vaccinated), the PCR test on days 5-7, and the entry quota may be lifted.
當阿根廷達到50%的人口並有完整的疫苗接種計劃時,抵達時將不再進行抗原檢測(未接種疫苗者除外),第 5-7天進行PCR檢測,入境名額可能被解除。
In the following link you will find the most updated protocols inside Argentina
COVID-19 Protocols & Situation - ARGENTINA
We shall keep you updated on any news as soon as the official documents are released on the re-opening of our borders. Please, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or comments.